Convocatoria de propuestas para micro-proyectos en el marco del proyecto PRICNAC

Convocatoria de propuestas para micro-proyectos en el marco del proyecto PRICNAC En el marco de sus actividades de lanzamiento, PRICNAC (Promoción de la Investigación, la Innovación y la Cultura Digital en África Central) está a punto de poner en marcha un programa de micro-proyectos a cargo de redes locales y que están en consonancia con […]

Call for proposals for micro-projects under the PRICNAC project to open soon

Call for proposals for micro-projects under the PRICNAC project to open soon As part of its start-up activities, PRICNAC (Promotion of Research, Innovation and Digital Culture in Central Africa) is about to launch a programme of micro-projects to be implemented by local networks and which fall within its objectives and those of the ACP Innovation […]

PRICNAC call for projects: Understanding « 3S smart specialisation strategies »

PRICNAC call for projects: Understanding « 3S smart specialisation strategies » The webinar on « 3S smart specialisation strategies » was held on 22 July 2021. This second webinar follows on from the first webinar on « Concrete instructions for the proposal of small scale projects » to support potential applicants to the call for small scale projects. Smart Specialisation Strategies […]

First webinar on the call for small scale project proposals

First webinar on the call for small scale project proposals On 16 July 2021, the PRICNAC project consortium hosted a webinar on  » Concrete instructions for small scale project proposals « . About 50 people took part in the webinar. The webinar with the title « Concrete instructions for the proposal of small scale projects » was organised […]