8 countries
of operation

  • Cameroon
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Congo
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Gabon
  • Tome and Principe

Project duration
4 yrs (2021-2024)

PRICNAC will be deployed in successive phases over 4 years in its 8 intervention countries

5 partners

PRICNAC is implemented by a consortium of 5 institutions:

  • AUF
  • AUA

About us

PRICNAC aims to strengthen research and innovation capacities in Central African countries by consolidating innovation ecosystems, productive synergies, entrepreneurship, digital technology and innovation policies for the sake of sustainable development and poverty reduction.

PRICNAC will select and finance third-party projects in Central Africa covering the four priorities of the ACP call for proposals:

  1. Increasing access to digital literacy, knowledge, and use of emerging technologies;
  2. Creating or strengthening effective links between R&I skills development and labour market demand;
  3. Establishing or enabling effective synergies in the research and innovation ecosystem, including with the private sector; facilitating conditions for technology transfer; promoting R&I uptake;
  4. Promoting local and indigenous knowledge and its use in combination with formal knowledge systems and practices.

PRICNAC will cover 8 countries: Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sao Tomé e-Principe and Chad for 4-year duration (2021-2024).


PRICNAC is implemented by a consortium of five partners : AUF, OBREAL GLOBAL, CAMES, AAU and REIFAC

The project will be officially launched in November 2021
for a duration of four years


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